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What lies Beneath?

Blog by Kim Twohey | June 24th, 2015

Why a home inspection should be on every Buyer’s to-do list

Every house has a story to tell and prospective home owners need to know how to read between the lines.  A reputable Realtor will disclose anything major that could affect the value of a home but sometimes houses have secrets and it is important to dig a little deeper to get the whole story. 

Home buyers can start to piece the story together by talking with their Realtor and looking for certain things during a home tour like evidence of water damage, cracks, or excessive condensation in certain areas of the home.  Taking a quick peek behind furniture and underneath rugs can be another way to gather additional information.  The best way to learn more about the home is by getting a thorough home inspection. 

A home inspection is exactly what it sounds like.  InAlberta, licensed inspectors can be hired to conduct a visual inspection of the systems and components within a house as well as the overall structure.  Inspections can take anywhere from 1 to 8 hours, depending on the size and condition of the house.  On average, an inspection takes about 2 to 4 hours.  The inspection report gives information about the state of the home, including the following:

-          Heating and cooling systems,

-          Plumbing,

-          Electrical systems,

-          Foundation,

-          Building envelope,

-          Foundation,

-          Roof,

-          Attic,

-          Insulation, and

-          The overall visible structure

Many licensed inspectors inCalgaryalso offer additional services including energy audits, mould testing, thermal imaging and radon testing. 

A home inspection can be a Buyer’s most important tool; both as a bargaining chip and for peace of mind.  Here are 5 reasons why an inspection should be on every Buyer’s to do list. 

1. You can use it as a bargaining chip

An inspection can help to reduce the cost of a house or get a buyer out of the deal entirely.  If a home inspection reveals significant problems or deficiencies that would cost more than say $20,000 to address, the buyer can ask for a reduction in the price of the house or can even walk away from the deal without penalty. 

2. You get confirmation that everything is up to code

Many people do renovations and upgrades to their homes forgetting to pull the proper permits and without ensuring the changes are up to code.  While everything may look good on the surface, an inspector can make sure that renovations have been done properly and that they meet or exceed code standards.  If anything is not up to code or has been done without a permit than it can impact things like home insurance, the value of the house, and the usability of that particular space.

3. It will help with future budget planning

A good inspection will provide prospective Buyers with information on areas of the home that are likely to require some attention or investment in the next couple of years.  Instead of being caught off guard, homeowners can use that information to start setting aside funds for roof repairs or to replace an old furnace.

4. Learn how the house works

A great inspector will allow the prospective buyer to tour the home during the inspection and ask questions.  This is a wonderful opportunity to learn how different systems in the home work and the best way to properly maintain them.  Inspectors are a wealth of information on how to care for and improve the efficiency of a house.  Take notes because you will want to remember this stuff!

5. Confirm the value of the home

Sometimes a home can look absolutely stunning. . . on the surface.  It is easy to get swept away by high end appliances and luxurious décor but there is so much more that goes into determining the value of a home.  Fancy finishing’s can be used to distract from potential problem areas.  A home inspection looks past what is on the surface to make sure that what lies beneath is just as impressive. 

A home inspection is an important cost to include in your home buying budget.  Spending a few hundred dollars at the time of purchase can literally save thousands of dollars later on.  I have a few highly qualified, licensed inspectors that I can refer you to.  Contact me to learn more!