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Moving with young children? Read this first!

Blog by Kim Twohey | October 19th, 2015


Moving is hard.  Moving with small children is even harder!  Over the years, I have helped many young families move and these are some of the best tips that I have learned along the way.

1.         Pack up children’s rooms last so you can unpack their rooms first

By packing your child’s room up last, their boxes will be the last onto the truck and the first ones off at the new house.  You can easily get their furniture and things into their new room right away and start making that space liveable and familiar.

2.         Stock up on snacks

If possible, stock your new pantry with some favourite snacks or quick meals before moving day.  If it is not possible to get into your new house any sooner, pack a bag in your car with things to eat.  This can help prevent hunger related meltdowns. 

3.         Get help

Every parent knows how tough it is to move with small children.  Ask friends or family to help out by taking care of your child on moving day, either at the new house or somewhere else. 

4.         Embrace electronics

Do you normally have pretty strict rules about watching TV or playing on the iPad?  Do not be afraid to ditch those restrictions on moving day.  If it helps to keep your child safe and entertained, let them watch a movie or play a few extra games on the iPad. 

5.         Maintain some semblance of your regular routine

I know that sounds crazy but it can be really helpful to follow your regular routine as much as possible.  Keep meal times and nap times as close to normal as you can.  This can lend some familiarity to the day and keep up your child’s mood and energy levels.

6.         Pack a bag of extra clothes

Throw some extra clothes and pyjamas into a bag that you bring over to the new house.  This way you will have something on hand in case of accidents, spills, or misplaced boxes. 

7.         Find age appropriate ways for your children to help

Children can actually be very helpful during a move.  Before moving day, think up some age appropriate activities that your children can do as you are unpacking the new house.  They can be responsible for scrunching up packing paper, putting away Tupperware, or unpacking their own clothes. 

There is no doubt that moving with young children is tough.  With a little planning, it can go fairly smoothly and create your first family memories in your new home.  Do you have any tips or tricks for parents moving with children?  Please share them with me on Twitter!